Wednesday, 5 October 2011

My Pochade Box

If anyone would like a hinge like this contact me for price. A local copper smith makes these for me as well as the bungee clips (in fact he made everything: handles and closing hook). I'm going to get this round knob made smaller as it's too heavy.

This is my Pochade Box. I got the details off the internet,  Jim Serrett has posted  very good instructions of how to make your own and I modified it a bit by making it deeper (for paints). I also added a removable perspex palette with corks stuck in the corners so that the wet palette doesn't touch the painting when I close the box. I use a light tripod. All this goes in my rucksack. I squeeze my paint out onto my palette before going so as not to carry heavy tubes of paint. Ben Haggett also has a very good website and blog

I do several small paintings, 2 or 3 usually, and a sketch sometimes.  These then all form part of the preparation for a very large painting (160cm x 120cm) later when I feel ready.  I have just done this one at the weekend. Using  two of paintings and my pencil sketch I squared it up using charcoal. Then I wipe off the 'grid' and fix the drawing, then paint away. I work very quickly for 2 days then leave it.

As you can see it's not finished yet. I then WAIT until I feel like going back to it and doing some more. This
can take a few weeks or months. It is very important not to touch it until I feel like it! This is the frustrating part as you think there's something wrong with you and if you do go on with it, it becomes a mess. But believe me, the inspiration WILL come...sometimes it's a year later but this is all part of the gestation period. 'For every creation there is a period of gestation' I read somewhere..

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